Computer Securities – The Threats to Computer Systems Part 1

Without a doubt, almost everyone rely on the computer and the internet just to complete their homework as well as work. Computers are also used to create and store important information and these informations have to be kept and stored in a secure and safe database. It is also important to us to protect our computer from abuse and misuse and also prevent any data loss in our computer’s operating system.

Computers used in companies and industries must have tough securities like firewalls and anti-virus and security methods like penetration testing so that vile minds cannot access the stored crucial information. Home users and other individuals must be cautious and perform any means necessary to protect their credit card information whenever they conduct any online transactions. If not then the computers they have will be at risk from any threats that could lead to the loss of important information, damage to the software, data and processing capabilities and cause damage to the hardware.

This intentional breach on the security and the system of a computer is called as the computer crime and this crime is under the same category as cybercrime. Cybercrime is one of the most known illegal acts nowadays and these acts are based on the Web; many security industries as well as law enforcement agencies in the world are facing this problem head-on. In fact, they have uncovered the different types of attackers in the cyber highway: the hacker, cracker, cyber extortionist, cyber terrorist, unethical employee, corporate spy and the script kiddie.


In the past hackers were people known to have good skills with computers, but now the term hacker has a different view. Hackers are people who access any computer or any computer networks and systems without the permission of the network administrator. These people often claim that the reason why they access the system is to point-out the leaks and vulnerabilities of the system. Sometimes this reason is just a front for the hacker’s mischief.


Cracker, even from the start was never associated with any good deeds in computer security. Cracker is just the same as the hacker, but most of the time, crackers will intentionally access any computer or any computer network for vile purposes like stealing important data or information or perhaps destroying the system, database or information on the system. Both the cracker and the hacker are extremely advanced when it comes to their skills.

Cyber Extortionist

Cyber extortionist is like a black mailer. This individual will use emails in an offensive way, sending threatening emails to the company or an individual. The mails will tell the company or that individual that these extortionists will release the important or confidential information, exploit the security vulnerabilities, or perhaps launch a cyber attack that will harm a person or a company’s network. They will ask for money in order to prevent the cyber threats from ever happening.

Cyber Terrorist

Cyber terrorist is a person who exploits the computer network or Internet in order to destroy the systems or computers for political purposes. It is comparable to a typical terrorist attack; these individuals are highly skilled specialists and their plot takes years of planning as well as substantial amount of money to implement their plot.

Unethical Employee

Unethical employee is a worker in the company who will illegally access the company’s network for several reasons. One reason could be to steal important secret data or information and sell them on the black market or perhaps a bitter employee who wants to exact revenge on the company.

Corporate Spy

Corporate spy is a person who has excellent skills in computers and networking; this person is hired to break into the specific network or computer of a company and steal or perhaps erase any important data or information. Some companies will hire these people to perform any corporate espionage missions. They are hired so that these companies will have leverage against their competitors.

Script Kiddie

Script kiddie is the same as a cracker; they have the same intention of doing dark deeds that could harm the computer, system, company or individual. However, the only difference is that the script kiddie lacks the technical know-how. In fact, these people are beginners or silly teenagers that will only use pre-written cracking and hacking programs.

Companies and also every individual must exert their best effort to safeguard their computers and systems from these types of person. Although, they may not know who they are but they can deter their plots by improving their networks security by performing pen test, which can be performed by a person who has completed penetration testing training.

The International Council of E-Commerce Consultants (EC-Council) is a member-based organization that certifies individuals in cybersecurity and e-commerce. It is the owner and developer of 20 security certifications. EC-Council has trained over 90,000 security professionals and certified more than 40,000 members. These certifications are recognized worldwide and have received endorsements from various government agencies. They also offer trainings in penetration testing.

More information about EC-Council is available at

Who Needs a Linux Expert? Most Businesses Do

Obtaining a Linux certificate is not just one more certification to acquire, one more piece of paper to own, one more line on a resume. Depending on the level of knowledge acquired, someone with Linux expertise may have what it takes to keep a business and its computer systems up and running. As dramatic as it sounds, that is just how important Linux is to business and most governments. Windows is a relatively easy operating system for the average computer user to master. Some might argue that Mac operating systems are even easier to use. No one out there even pretends to claim that Linux is an easy computer to learn, use and manage. Why? Because it is not.

Linux was not designed for ease of use; rather, it was developed to give more detailed control to the operators of the server and/or servers needed to keep businesses operating properly. Any one who has tried to keep a simple network of five computers going will appreciate the fact that there is an easier way, although one requiring much more computer expertise. A computer expert with a Linux certificate will have the knowledge to make the system run better, more efficiently, and trouble-free. What more can anyone ask of their computer system?

Obtaining a Linux certificate is not easy. Even if a candidate chooses to obtain a certificate that represents limited expertise, the knowledge required cannot be faked. Once a person gets Linux certification, ongoing continuing ed is not required. However, if the candidate requires or desires more detailed certification, more schooling and further testing will be necessary. Linux has always been a serious computer language with no patience for the normal applications used by the everyday computer user; gaming. word processing and spreadsheets are often impossible if not impossible using Linux. Therefore, everyday computer usage will not develop the skills and knowledge needed for Linux certification.

Some employers will assist a promising employee who is seeking to obtain a Linux certificate. If a candidate is fortunate to work for a company willing to foot the educational costs and the Linux testing/certification process, it would be a smart move for the employee to take advantage of it. If not, there are several places a potential candidate can go for financial assistance if he or she is unable to pay for the program himself. Either way, a competent Linux certified is a professional who can demand and receive a salary commensurate with his level of expertise. Keeping a computer system up and running is a priceless necessity in today’s business world.


Peter Johnstone is contributing editor at This article may be reproduced provided that its complete content, links and author byline are kept intact and unchanged. No additional links permitted. Hyperlinks and/or URLs must remain both human clickable and search engine spiderable.